In 2019, we started building the foundation for Warrior Dreamzz and the last couple of years have been exhilarating and frankly, hard! There was no game plan for starting a visual production company in the midst of a global pandemic. Yet, the challenge was also freeing! We allowed ourselves the freedom to experiment with graphic and website design, art, and activism. We expanded our social media presence, and helped other businesses with theirs, which turned out to be amazingly fun! All of this led to some memorable collaborations in the film community and beyond, with advocates for mental health, addictions recovery, life coaches, health and wellness trainers. Holistic brands gravitate towards us and we have the same energy for them! We are blessed to have met genuine unconventional thinkers. They gave us opportunities to work with talent in the US, Canada, India and The Netherlands. What we have learned is that when Warrior Dreamzz joins a project, we deepen the context of the stories being told. And, that's the real benefit of being a boutique production agency, the ability to flex between making passion projects and collaborating on projects we are passionate about. Areas like biodiversity, social justice, wildlife conservation and holistic practices are touchstones for us. We are a young BIPOC company but combined, we have over a decade of professional experience in visual and creative arts. We are a legal LLC and a federally registered trademarked brand. These are markers of quality and indicators of our commitment to being good partners with you.
Join with us in the call to action. Let today be the beginning of your origin story!